Episode 017: Make Time to Care For Yourself with Putter Bert

Untitled design (2)The magical benefits of taking time to unplug

Today Putter Bert, President and CEO of Kidsquest Children’s Museum stops by to chat.

As nonprofit executives, it seems we are always concerned with others. Is my staff getting what they need? What about my board members? Oh, and of course the donors?

When do you worry about you?

Putter has always believed in taking time off to recharge her batteries. And while many of us pay lip service to this–some of us even claim to do it (but still peek at email any chance we can get)–she REALLY does it. She has been known to go weeks without cell service.

Putter shares the magic that happens when she unplugs. She also shares some tips for those of us who can’t even imagine being completely “off the grid.” This episode is chock-full of tools and tactics you can implement today.

To learn more about Putter or KidsQuest, click here!

Click here to download as an MP3 (right click and choose “save as”).

In this episode, Putter and Darren discuss:

  • Why taking time for yourself is important.
  • How it makes you more effective when you’re back at work.
  • The problem with being “indispensable.”
  • The ONLY way to wean yourself from smartphone addiction.
  • When she judged a book by its cover.
  • Her system of creating work-life balance.
  • Why having someone to talk to is so important.
  • The magic of transparency.
  • Her book recommendation: Magnetic: The Art and Science of Engagement by Anne Bergeron and Beth Tuttle.
  • The importance of breathing.

Hang on to the end to hear Putter’s Magic Moment challenge!

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Wanna binge? Go ahead!

Episode 018: Keeping your Board focused on strategy

Episode 016: Focus on Energy with Becky Gould

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Magnetic: The Art and Science of Engagement by Anne Bergeron and Beth Tuttle


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Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Getting Results by Alison Green and Jerry Hauser



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The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein




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 Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles for Effective Leaders by Joel Manby 



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Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie



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 Leading Out Loud: A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future by Terry Pearce



Untitled design (26)Leading with Soul by Lee Bolman




Some titles above are affiliate links. If you’re not sure why you should care click here. You’ll also learn how you can help feed the children.


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